After many question on how to set up the raspberry pi, I decided to compile a brief how to for headless raspberry pi setup. This should work for all models. I was using retropie as my system, but if you are using linux, the setup should be simillar if not the same. Before you start, download a system image of your choice and flash it to your sd card. Once done, follow these simple steps:
- Create empty file with no extension with name “ssh” and put it to the root of the boot partition on your microSD
- Create another file called wpa_supplicant.conf and place it to the root of the boot partition on your microSD
- Edit the wpa_supplicant file and end just copy and paste following text and save the file (you need to fill in your network credentials):
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
} - Insert the card to the raspberry and power it on
- I am not sure what pi you have, so if you have a zero, give it some time (maybe even 2 minutes) to boot and connect to your router
- Then just go to your router config and find out the IP address of your Pi (if unsure, you have to research on this, I don’t know what router you have) in the table of DHCP clients possibly and it should clearly say retropie (I think :))
- Once you have the IP address of your pi, get the putty client(or what ever ssh client you prefer) and open a connection to your pi – user name on new installation will be “pi” and password “raspberry”
- voila – you have now headlessly set your Pi up 😉
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